To work with rhythmbox from terminal there is really nice tool called rhythmbox-client which allows controlling already running instance of Rhythmbox. To see all supported features simply run rhythmbox-client -help.


Widget shows name and artist of currently playing song. Basically it runs theis command: rhythmbox-client --no-start --print-playing. Looks like this: Rhythmbox Widget. To create such widget create file rhythmbox.lua with following content:

local io = { popen = io.popen }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local string = { gmatch = string.gmatch }
local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")


local function worker(format, warg)
	local info = {
	    ["{state}"] = "nil"
	local f = io.popen("rhythmbox-client --no-start --print-playing")
	info["{state}"] = f:read("*line")
	return info

setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })

In rc.lua add vicious and rhythmbox files, create widget and add it to wibox:



rhythmboxwidget = wibox.widget.textbox()
vicious.register( rhythmboxwidget, vicious.widgets.rhythmbox,
	function (widget, args)
	   if args["{state}"] == nil then
		  return "Now Playing: Not loaded"
	   elseif args["{state}"] == "Not playing" then
		  return "Paused"
		  return args["{state}"]
	end, 4)


For the shortcuts most useful would be to play next/previous song and play/pause action. I would like to use Mod4+,(.) to switch songs and Mod4+/ to play/pause.

You can try these commands from terminal to perform those actions:

rhythmbox-client --no-start --play-pause
rhythmbox-client --no-start --next
rhythmbox-client --no-start --previous

And in rc.lua with keybindings:

awful.key({ modkey, }, "/", function () awful.util.spawn("rhythmbox-client --no-start --play-pause", false) end),
awful.key({ modkey, }, ",", function () awful.util.spawn("rhythmbox-client --no-start --next", false) end),
awful.key({ modkey, }, ".", function () awful.util.spawn("rhythmbox-client --no-start --previous", false) end)