

First of all we need to get weather information from somewhere. I found which seems to be quite what we need. You need to create an account there to get the API key. After that you’ll able to use weather API with limit of 60 calls per minute (which is more than enough).

Socket library

Next thing is to call the endpoint. At first I thought to use python script as I did in email-widget, but after few minutes of googling I discovered luasocket library which supports basic HTTP requests. So let’s install it. Being on Ubuntu I was able to do so simply by

sudo apt-get install lua-socket

JSON parsing

And the last preparation step is JSON parser, since weather API returns weather information in JSON. I found which looks promising. To ‘install’ it put json.lua in ~/.config/awesome/ folder, so that it could be easily imported in weather widget’s script.


So let’s craft an awesome widget!

Widget will consist of an icon - imagebox, which will show current weather conditions (sun, clouds, etc.) and textbox with current temperature. For icon I quite like the Arc icon theme, moreover there are many weather icons (at least more that in gnome theme). Ideally would be to put both widgets in another widget with horizontal layout, something like this:

weather_widget = wibox.widget {
        widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
        resize = false,
        image = path_to_icons .. "weather-clear-symbolic.svg"
        widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
        fong = "Play 9",
        text = "-9"
   layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,

But then icon would’t be aligned vertically because it is smaller than the height of wibox: screenshot. As workaround I split widget declarations, so that icon has top margin:

local icon_widget = wibox.widget {
        id = "icon",
        resize = false,
        widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
    layout = wibox.container.margin(_, 0, 0, 3),
    set_image = function(self, path)
        self.icon.image = path
local temp_widget = wibox.widget{
    font = "Play 9",
    widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
weather_widget = wibox.widget {
    layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,

Widget update

So we have widget, but it should be updated. With text widget it’s simple, we just need to get the temperature from the response body and update widget’s text. For that we’ll need small handy function to convert Kelvin to Celsius:

function to_celcius(kelvin)
    return math.floor(tonumber(kelvin) - 273.15)

For the icon fortunately API has it’s own icon set and returns icon name. So we need to map API’s icon names to Art icon names:

local icon_map = {
    ["01d"] = "weather-clear-symbolic.svg",
    ["02d"] = "weather-few-clouds-symbolic.svg",

And then have a timer to call the API and update widgets:

local resp
local weather_timer = timer({ timeout = 600 })
weather_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function ()
    local resp_json = http.request("" .. city .."&appid=" .. open_map_key)
    resp = json.decode(resp_json)
    icon_widget.image = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon]


As for notification I use naughty. Nothing special here:

local notification
weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
    notification = naughty.notify{
        icon = path_to_icons .. icon_map[[1].icon],
        text = '<b>Humidity:</b> ' .. resp.main.humidity .. '%<br><b>Temperature: </b>' .. to_celcius(resp.main.temp),
        timeout = 5, hover_timeout = 0.5,
        width = 200,
weather_widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()

You can check the whole widget on github